5 Important Factors When Choosing an Office

Whether you are downsizing or expanding into a larger space, there are many different important factors when choosing an office. One thing is for sure, it is hard to know which office buildings will suit your needs as a business. Choosing a new office, may feel like a daunting task but it doesn’t have to be! Read on to find five important things to consider when moving offices.

1. Location

Location, location, location. You’ve heard it before and you’re hearing it again which makes me wonder why we even put it on this list. Oh that’s right… because it’s the most important attribute to your new office space. As a business, you must provide the very best for your employees. Understand that the location of your office can change the exposure of your business as well as the workforce you gain access to.

Make sure that the locations demographics complement your current employee makeup. If your workforce consists of millennials, make sure that the local area caters to them. Gyms, supermarkets, restaurants, and parks are a few of the amenities that businesses must pay attention to. A great office location will be the catalyst to a great workforce along with potential collaborations with local businesses.

2. Budget

Wouldn’t life be great without a budget?

Unfortunately, that’s not realistic.

Set a strict budget and make sure you stick to it. This is an important business decision that a company must consider and is critical to follow. Remember that there are other expenses that come with moving to an office. Furniture, network infrastructure, desks, and chairs are some of the many items you must buy for the office space. Make sure to leave healthy legroom in your budget for furnishings and other unexpected charges.

3. Space and functionality

Feng shui is Chinese term used to describe the intention of achieving harmony with the environment. When choosing an office space, keep Feng Shui in mind. The space you choose must compliment the business dynamic rather than clash with it. If team members often collaborate with each other, choose a space that suits that dynamic such as an open concept floor plan. If work is primarily done individually, separate workspaces may be better.

Also, make sure to create realistic expectations about the space you will need. Too much space will result in unnecessary spending while too little space will impede in the business’ ability to expand.

4. Commutability

Is the space located near subway or bus lines? If not, is there ample parking for the number of employees you have? The way people commute to the office is an important factor of which location you choose.

Ask current employees:

How do you get to the office?

Where do you commute from?

You know that you need to listen to your employees, so do it. Include you employees in the decision process. Figure out where they want to be and how they want to get there. Tailor your decision of office location and facilities based on  their input.

5. Renting vs Buying

To rent or to own, that is the question. There are a few factors to this decision that will solidify your stance. Renting is and will always be the most flexible way of occupying an office space. Renting gives you one or two year leases. This offers the greatest flexibility for a changing business that may need a different location down the line.

Purchasing a property is perfect for a businesses that plans to stay in one location for a long time. These local businesses understand the area and are looking to settle down. Long term ownership benefits outweigh the large up-front cost of a downpayment. The office becomes an asset and will make your business more valuable. Along with this, it is much easier for your business to remodel and design the space to your liking. As the property owner, you do not need permission from a landlord to renovate.

Renting Pros:

  1. Flexibility of tenancy
  2. lower up-front cost (no down payment)
  3. No property management

Buying Pros:

  1. Growing asset
  2. Freedom of renovation/use
  3. Tax deductions


Choosing an office space is an important decision. Before looking for a new location, make sure to understand what your internal stakeholders will need now and further down the line. Create a list of requirements from budget all the way down to employee access to preferred modes of transportation. Satisfaction will come when your final decision takes all aspects into consideration.

Need help moving out?

Here at Junk Pro Inc, we specialize in helping both businesses and residential customers remove their junk. We provide the highest quality of service at a reasonable price. Need to move out of an office location and have a bunch of junk to get rid of? No problem, we’ve got you covered. Moved into a new office and have a bunch of packaging and other materials to get rid of? No problem, we’ve got you covered. We can get rid of anything and everything from desks and chairs to cubicles and furniture.

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